Does heartburn during pregnancy affect the baby?

Heartburn is a frequent symptom during pregnancy, particularly in the second and third trimesters. Many expectant mothers worry about the effect heartburn might have on their unborn child. This article explores the relationship between heartburn during pregnancy and its impact on the baby, supported by scientific research and medical insights.

Does Heartburn During Pregnancy Affect the Baby?

Direct Impact on the Baby:

  • Generally, heartburn itself does not have a direct impact on the baby.
  • The baby is well-protected within the amniotic sac and does not come into contact with stomach acid.

Indirect Effects:

  • Severe heartburn might affect an expectant mother’s sleep, nutrition, or overall well-being.
  • If heartburn interferes with eating, it could potentially affect nutrition and, consequently, the baby’s growth.

Myths and Folklore:

Some cultures associate heartburn with the baby having more hair, but scientific research on this topic is inconclusive.


      Heartburn during pregnancy, although uncomfortable for the mother, generally does not have a direct adverse effect on the baby. Addressing heartburn with lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and medical consultation when needed, ensures that both mother and baby remain healthy.

      Understanding and demystifying the myths surrounding heartburn during pregnancy fosters a more relaxed and confident approach to this natural, albeit often distressing, symptom. With empathy, self-care, and professional guidance, expectant mothers can navigate the challenges of heartburn, focusing on nurturing themselves and their babies, and enjoying the unique and beautiful journey of pregnancy.